JJ’s Story

Hi everyone! My name is JJ Krabitz.  I’m here to tell you my story, but to do that, I have to backtrack a little bit and tell you about my person, Jon.  Born and raised in Michigan, Jon was first introduced to Bawlmer in the mid 2000’s when he started visiting to help a friend out with his business. It didn’t take long for Charm City to win him over and make him want to stay! He got a transfer to Maryland, continuing his work in home improvement and customer service.  Sadly, the economic fall in 2008 ended the career he had spent 17 years building, as the company succumbed to the pressures of the time and closed their doors nationwide. 

By that point, Jon was living with his wife in Fells Point and getting ready to enjoy city life. That wasn’t meant to be, when the contractor hired to rehab their home, Mike Wilson (current company: Melims Construction, Inc.), did not live up to his obligations and turned a 6-month project into a 3-year nightmare.  Despite being convicted of conversion, fraud, breach of contract and winning a $140,000 judgment, and the judge telling him he should find a new line of work, all was lost when he filed for bankruptcy the morning proceedings began.  [Maryland Case#24C08006921]

After the loss of Jon’s career and the issues with the shady contractor, Jon spent some time deciding what he wanted to do. In 2012, he started Baltimore Carpet Repair (BCR), and this is where I come into the story!

One night, Jon was going to pick up a cheesesteak from Captain James and wings from Kislings, when he decided to take a walk by the water.  While looking down into the Harbor, there I was clinging to the side of a pier, hoping someone would help! Jon thought I was cute and brought me home to join the rest of the gang – at that point, lots of kitty cats, foster kittens, and a foster dog here and there too.   

The rest, as they say, is history.  Jon named me JJ Krabitz, and asked me to be his mascot.  I didn't know what that was, so Jon took me for a ride to see the Natty Boh tower at night.  OMG! I loved him so much, especially his mustache! I said yes, and even grew a ‘stache too!  Over the years, just as I have molted and grown, so has Jon’s company.  In 2019, he decided to take it to the next level and change the name to Baltimore Home Services (BHS), providing a full range of home improvement services to his community.

Our family is large with 12 cats (including 4 special needs), 2 dogs, me, a foster here and there, and all of our wonderful clients!  We all welcome you to the BHS Family!